Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day and Starging Daycare

Joaquin spent Valentine's Day weekend with his grandparents since Chris and I both had to work. As you can see he had a blast (as did grammie and grandpa). The pics were emailed from grandpa which is why they are smaller than the others.

This first picture was taken a few days ago while Joaquin was playing video games with Chris.

Today was Joaquin's first day at daycare. I managed to make it to the car before I started crying, but Joaquin had a wonderful day. He managed to take 3 30-45 minute naps, which is less than the 4 hours he would have gotten at home.. but more than I thought he'd get on his first day there. The daycare has the same jumper that we have at home, so when I left him he was in that happy as can be. When we picked him up he had just finished eating and started jumping when he saw us :) After we got home I had to go grocery shopping... and when I came home this is what I saw... I just couldn't resist snapping a picture. Apparently daycare is exhausting stuff... for everyone!
Here are the pics from grandpa. Could you ask for a cuter cupid? :)

1 comment:

Leighann said...

I think the first day of daycare is hardest on the parents. Glad Joaquin had a good day.