Saturday, January 31, 2009

Green Beans and Bouncing

Joaquin has really starting to jump a lot when he's in someone's lap, so we finally got a jumper for him which he loves. He turned 6 months old on Monday this past week so we started him on real food. His first food was green beans and he really liked them. He's also tried bananas since then and liked them too. Other big news, he will be starting daycare on February 16th. We are very happy about this since this means I'll finally be able to get some regular sleep... but I'm also a bit sad about it since it means I'll be spending much less time with him. I know I'm gonna cry when I drop him off for the first time.... I'm almost crying about it already.

Here are some pics of him eating green beans for the first time.

When Joaquin first tried out his jumper he was more fascinated with the little frog toy attached to it than with the actual jumping, but as he's gotten more used to it he is jumping a lot more. He still loves that frog though, and staring into the mirror below the frog... drooling all over it ;)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Foot Wars

Joaquin has recently discovered that he can get his foot into his mouth. That same evening Chris and Joaquin had a little "foot war" and Joaquin won :)

At a doctor's appointment a couple of weeks ago they recommended some ointment for Joaquin's head since he has been scratching it so much. So we had to start putting him in hats more often. It was then that we discovered how big his head has gotten... and that not many stores sell hats for 6 month olds that aren't winter hats or part of an outfit :( So Grammy had to get to knitting so Joaquin could have more than 2 hats that fit him. Lucky for us it doesn't take long to knit a hat for an infant :)

The foot war:

All day Sunday Joaquin was blowing bubbles and making fart like sounds with his mouth... I mean ALL day. So I get the camera to get a video of him doing this... and this is how he responded... dead silence.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Daddy's Little Helper

Here is Joaquin with the "build-a-bear" that we made for him with the giftcard Great-grandma and Great-grandpa Vickery gave him for Christmas. We figured he had enough bears, so went with the dog but we think it looks more like a wolf. As you can see Joaquin liked him instantly. Put on the spot at the store we named him Fluffy.... grandpa Rich thought he looked more like a Sarge.

Tonight Chris was trying to work on notes while I was doing things around the house. Joaquin of course was not content to not be held... so here is Joaquin helping Daddy work.