Friday, February 6, 2009

Old Skool

Joaquin was really jumpin in his jumper this evening, so we decided to get a video of him jumping to the beat of the old Kriss Kross song, "Jump Jump". In true Joaquin style as soon as the camera was brought out he slowed down. He enjoyed watching Chris jump in an effort to get Joaquin to jump more. He has little bits of jumping and really starts up again at the end but he did really love watching Chris jump!


Leighann said...

Loved the end! Although, hearing the song makes me feel old. I wondered if his clothes would be on backwards. Ha! Ha! :O)

joaquindelonte said...

hehe, if only we'd thought of the idea sooner his clothes probably would have been on backwards! But we had to try and get it captured on video before he tired out and got cranky.