Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Joaquin has always like Elmo, but never watched him until we went to the hospital for his surgery.  Since then I have started dvr'ing Sesame Street so he can watch it.  Now he can't get enough of Elmo!  Here are some pics of him watching up close and personal.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Surgery Day

Joaquin had his adenoids removed eariler today.  He did amazingly well with not eating or drinking before the surgery.  They didn't take him in until almost 2:30 pm and I thought for sure he'd be super cranky, but as you can tell from the pics he was having a ball, at least pre-op.  They had videos and a portablel dvd player for him to watch and also had a wagon for him to ride in.  Post-op was a different story.  He was quite uncomfortable and actually bit and ripped out his iv (blood went everywhere!).  Even after they unhooked everything he wasn't happy until he was at home and Mommy was singing to him.  He went to bed early and since has been sleeping, but is snoring loudly and every so often wakes up crying but goes back to sleep before I can get in his room.  Hopefully tomorrow he will feel ok.

Here he is watching the Elmo dvd.  He did not want to sit on either of our laps and insisted on standing to watch it.

Here he is riding in the wagon and playing with the stuffed camel they had at the desk.  He loved that thing! I think we need to buy him a stuffed camel now.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Fun with Papa and Grandma

Helping himself to some crackers

Enjoying his new chair

He is finally starting to use utencils when he eats, but as you can see it's still quite messy

sweeping the floor: look at all that concentration :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fun in the yard

Finally we have some pictures of Joaquin at our new house. 

Here he is helping to rake leaves that are left over from the winter.

playing with some chairs in the front lawn.

With one of his new favorite toys.  A bunny that sings and hops.  He wouldn't put it down today.

Touching the pretty flowers at the front of the house.

With Daddy.

Playing on the couch.

Eating a pb and j sandwhich. 

Climbing up on the chair.

Sitting like a big boy :)

Such a big rake for such a little boy.

more bunny

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Picture Overload

Here are some pics from Grammy and Papa from Easter and some from a few weeks back.

Easter Sunday with Sophia

Easter egg hunt at church

action pose!

Eating lunch with Papa

helping in the garden
riding the tractor

looking for Papa

He mostly drags his trycle everywhere

Filling up his sled with all his toys
decked out in all his winter gear.

yummy snow!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

Ok, so I'm seriously behing on posting pics of Joaquin.  With the move we have been super busy and I still can't seem to find our camera.  We need to get pics from Grammy and Papa.  Here is the one not complete blur of a picture that I managed to capture of Joaquin on my phone Easter morning.